SLIDESHOW: 5 Affordable Advertising Methods to Increase Awareness

Let’s face it, advertising isn’t cheap. Here in Ralston & Anthony’s home state of Illinois there are over a million small businesses. Of those 280,373 have employees. The remaining are Illinois small businesses that have no employees. That’s just over one third of our small business ecosystem that has become large enough to support employees. So with the high cost of advertising and marketing services, what are the other two thirds supposed to do?

Well first and foremost, no small business owner should attempt to advertise or market on a large scale (or with complex marketing mediums) that require the consultation of a marketing and advertising expert. That aside, what are the mediums that small business owners wanting to grow can do?

Take a look at our 5 affordable advertising methods to increase awareness on a budget!

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4 Comment(s)

  1. Sabrine
    November 24, 2012

    To the asbovd I would add the flnwoliog: 1. Put an ad in the yellow pages: it’s where people look for services such as yours.2. Put an ad on local store notice boards3. Get referrals from clients and send out direct mail pieces. Run a special as an invcentive to get new clients and give a gift to the current client if their friends b uy your services. It keeps current business and generates new revenue .

    1. Christopher Skraba
      March 7, 2013

      Thank you for your added suggestions!

  2. Leslie
    August 19, 2013

    Thanks for your article. Great suggestions. Now, if only there were more hours in the day to implement all your great ideas!

    1. Christopher Skraba
      August 19, 2013

      Thank you for your comment, Leslie. I’m glad to hear that your day is booked! I hope it is safe to assume that business is booming for you. Congraulations! It is my desire that all business owners experience the day that you do and as such I encourage business owners to hire a dedicated member of their team. Of course, I know that being busy doesn’t always mean that one has the cash to invest in human capital. An alternative would be to seek the services of a marketing/advertising agency on retainer.

      Again, I’m happy to hear business is going great for you!

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